The above two small watercolour sketches are already a bit old, but it's always good to look back at what you've been doing a few months ago, as it gives you perception into where you're going and how far you might have come already.
Thanks to the Concept Development workshop by Kai Lossgott at VANSA earlier this month I have started to develop good, sustainable and easy-to-follow methods and habits that's already proving to work. I'm creating and producing new works, and also working on some projects that are more focused around action rather than merely creating an artwork. New artworks will be exhibited in May in Vanderbijlpark, after which I will add them onto my website. I'm also still expanding the Nuances series, which are becoming quite popular at the moment, I am happy to say!
As 'n klein voorsmakie vir Meimaand se uitstalling: die werke - gemengde media werke, drukke, tekeninge, skilderwerke asook 'n uitvoerstuk en installasiewerk - vorm deel van die Scapes projek, wat fokus op die landskap en menslike interaksie daarmee. Vir Scapes & Scrapes, wat in Bodutu Gallery by die Vaal Universiteit van Tegnologie uitgestal word, word teenstellings getref tussen ongeskende landskappe en natuurlewe teenoor areas waar besoedeling en omgewingsbeskadiging plaasvind. In laasgenoemde is die fokus op die manier wat die landskap geskend word en die gesondheid van minderbevoorregte gemeenskappe benadeel word vir die finasiƫle baat van 'n selektiewe groepie oor-bevoorregte mense.
This really caught my attention in my reading list on Blogger this morning. Read more about a story that will unfurl about this bird's journey or travels on the Resurrection Fern's blog.