Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Raw and (somewhat) uncensored

Okay, so I have decided to share some of my more personal feelings that I am experiencing today. Not because I want to carry my heart on my sleeve or seek any sympathy, but because it might give you some insight into what an artist goes through, and that every artist is also a person JUST LIKE YOU.

Yes, artists have bad days. Yes, artists become a bit depressed, frustrated, demotivated and sad. Because we're human. And because the things that ALL of us (yes, you included) experience every day are things that everyone experiences - whether it is directly or indirectly. Whether we hear it from someone else, or whether it happens to ourselves personally. Whether you become a crime statistic, or know of someone who has been wronged in some way.

I know it might seem like I'm ranting or babbling. BUT there is a point to this post... I am having a day full of doubt and I feel quite frustrated with how little ART I'm producing today and how much self pity, doubt and insecurities I'm feeding and feeling. Just like most - if not everyone - who reads this post. We all feel down sometimes. We all feel like we could use some encouragement and support most of the time. And that's fine. So is feeling sorry for yourself and taking a bit of time 'off' to sort through your feelings and figure out the best way to get yourself out of the rut. We all feel a HUGE range of emotions on a constant basis. This is what makes us human, compassionate and able to express ourselves in so many extraordinary ways (like art, theater, music and even science!).

So yes, I'm having a bit of a 'bad' day. But I know that this will also pass and build the foundation for things that I will learn and do in future, whether it be tomorrow, next week or in 2 years from now.

There.... I feel better now. Your turn.... Express yourself and BE yourself.

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